My First Blog

It wasn't a year ago I had no idea what a blog was.  Truthfully I'm still not 100 percent sure what the purpose is.  All I know is my husband and I bought this awesome store called Market Street Nest in October of 2017 and one year later here I sit at my laptop trying to write a blog.  Of course I Googled 'how to start a blog' and it said the first step was to tell people who you are... So here I go!!  I'm Shannon Steakley-Anderson and my husband is Coy Anderson.  We live in Mabank, Tx.  We were just married in May of 2018.  Before we were married I started a small boutique with a friend inside a Wine Bar as vendors.  I realized pretty quick that I was in love with the business and here I am with our own full blown store!! We both have full time jobs elsewhere so needless to say we are very busy.  Between us we have four children and eight grandchildren and both of us still have our parents! I guess you could say we are pretty blessed. 

We are currently house hunting.  Like we really have time to move. But it's a lot of fun looking.  I'm a professional shopper (learned it from my mother) so I'm on a mission to find that perfect place. I spend hours on the computer shopping for the store and in my spare time I shop for a house.  

I hope when you visit our store or our website you find something you can't live without. It's my goal to have a little something for everyone.  

Well, It's nearly 9:00 p.m. and my day job requires me to arrive fully clothed at 8am. One day when I retire or win the lottery I can finally work at our boutique where starting time is 10:30 and clothing is waiting on me when I get there.  In closing I would like to say, "This is my first BLOG" ….. As silly as this seems to me it's the nature of the business so...... until next time.  

Happy Shopping

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